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Baltijas Čempionāts Kupiskis triathlon, | Nolikums

Open Lithuanian triathlon sprint championship

Baltic region championship

Baltic cup IV stage

Lithuanian sport hope games

Kupiškis, 2018 08 0304

Goals and objectives

Increase popularity of triathlon sport in Lithuania.

Find out the best athletes.

The Organizers:

Lithuanian Triathlon Federation, TSK “Darna”.

Chief Organiser - Dainius Kopūstas, phone number: +37067859069, email.:

Race Referee - Vaidas Juodzevičius, phone number: +37060049519. email.:

Time and place:

Triathlon races will take place in Kupiškis 2018 August 03-04.


Pre-registration until: 30th July, 23:59:59. Address:

Additional registration: on the race day.

Applying for the race must provide: Name, Surename, birth date, and you group.  

Adiction registration till 13.00 h. (for late starters).

Number and „timing chip“ pick up August 04 d. since 7.30 h. at the race place. (near Kupiškio pond).

Race Schedule:


Friday, 2018 08 03

17.00-21.00 AG start packed pick up

18:00 Briefing

19:00-19:30 Bike familiarization.

20:00-20:30 Swim familiarization.

Saturday 2018 08 04

I Start 11:00 Open Lithuanian sprint championship, ,,Baltic cup 2018“

250 m swim (1 lap) 8 km bike (2 laps) 1 km run (1 lap).

 Groups : AW, AM (2009 and younger);

BW, BM ( 2007-2008m.);

CW, CM (2005-2006);

DW, DM (2003-2004);

MW, MM (amateurs all age diference)

Explanation: W-ladies, M-Males.

Lithuanian “Hope” Games.


II Start Open Baltic region championship

Note: Registration will be done by Nation Federation, but thru system. 

             750 m swim (1 lap) 20 km bike (5 laps) 5 km run (2 laps).

            12:30 MalesElite EM (1979-1998), IM (2001-2002), JM(1999-2000).

            12:32  Female: Elite EW (1979-1998), IW(2001-2002), JW (1999-2000).

            14:00 Rewards (Baltic region championship)

Open Lithuanian championship, „Baltic cup 2018“

III Start. 750m. swim (1lap)  20 km bike (5 laps) 5 km run (2laps)

14:30  Veterans: V1W, V1M (1969-1978);V2W, V2M (1959-1968);

V3W, V3M (1949-1958); V4W, V4M (1948 and older).

In this start can participate these athletes :

EMM (1979-1998), IMM (2001-2002), JMM(1999-2000).

EWM(1979-1998), IWM(2001-2002), JWM (1999-2000).

Note: II and III start athletes will be awards for the best time in Lithuanian championship and Baltic cup championship 2018“.

17.00 val. Open Lithuanian championship and Lithuanian “Hope” races awards.

Start packed pick up:

2018 08 04

I start 7.00-10.30 a.m.

III start 7.00-13.30 p.m.

Note: Because of the race there will be road blocks, please come to the race earlier.

Competition rules:


  • Know, understand and follow the ITU Competition Rules
  • Athletes can swim with the current swimming competitions authorized swimwear suits for men and women;
  • Forbidden to wear compression stockings.
  • The helmet must be securely fastened and fit properly at all times when the athlete is in possession of the bike;
  • Bike start will be given by the best swim time, next to transition (all groups).
  • Athletes can ride with road bikes, MTB bikes, but handlebars must comply with ITU rules.
  • Draft legal events:
  • It is forbidden to draft off a different gender athlete;
  • It is forbidden to draft off a motorbike or vehicle.
  • Failing to follow the prescribed course / not finishing described race course will result to disqualification.
  • Outside assistant is not allowed;
  • Everybody who wants can start in Elite group, but they will lose the right to their age group awards.
  • Removing helmet before mounting bike, mounting bike before mount line, and not dismounting before dismount line will cost – 10 seconds penalty.
  • Drafting injuring: sound of a whistle, TO shows a blue card, spells the athlete's number and phrase “Drafting penalty, you have to stop at the next penalty box”. The Technical Official has to ensure the athlete received the penalty notification. Penalty 1 minute.
  • Lapped athletes can’t draft from the athletes who past them.
  • After finishing race it is mandatory to return timing chip devise.


Till 2018 06 30

Till 2018 07 30

Race day

I Start

15 Eur

20 Eur

25 Eur

II Start

60 Eur

70 Eur

80 Eur

III Start

20 Eur


40 Eur


Entry fee payment details:


Lietuvos triatlono federacija

Žemaitės g. 6, Vilnius

A/s LT827300010134192454

SWIFT HABALT22, Swedbank, AB


Please write details in purpose of payment: Name, surname, your start, age group.



First and third starts races winners will be rewarded with : medals, diploma and prizes.

Second start race winners will be awarded with Baltic championship medals and money.

Money will be given if 20 or more athletes will participates in the race.


1 palce – 250 Eur.;

2 place – 200 Eur.;

3 place – 150 Eur.;

4 place  120 Eur.;

5 place - 80 Eur.;

6 place - 50 Eur.


If in the race starts less then 20 athletes prize mpney will be cup by 50%.


All costs related to athletes participation in race  must be financed by organization who sending athletes to the race.

Swim, Bike, Run courses details:

Swim conduct: Expecting water temperature should be 180 – 240 C.

Bike course loop width 3 – 4 m., surface  – asphalt.

Run course loop:  asphalt, grass, gravel.