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Baltijas kauss Tartu Mill triathlon, ETU European Championships | Nolikums

Race information

July 21 2018

Tartu Mill Everyman’s Triathlon at 17.00
Place: Tartu center, river Emajõgi and surrounding parks
Address: Vabaduse avenue, Tartu, 51004, Estonia

Race organizers
NGO TriSmile

Head organizer: Ain-Alar Juhanson, phone: +372 53338272, e-mail:
Head referee: Eero Raudsepp, phone: +372 56473479, e-mail:

0.5 km swim, 20 km bike, 5 km run

 Age limits
Tartu Mill Triathlon: competitors must have been born in 2002 or before. Underage competitors must have a written approval from their parent or legal guardian.

Age groups
Boys and girls, men and women are considered separately.

Youth A: born 2001-2002

Juniors: born 1999-2000

Amateurs: born 1998 and before

Registration and fees
Pre-registration is open online on Tartu Mill Triathlon’s web-site until July 15 2018. On the spot registration and the issuing of race materials will be at the race center on Thursday, July 19 at 9.00-19.00, Friday, July 20 at 9.00-19.00 and Saturday, July 21 at 9.00-15.00.

The competitor must show an ID with a picture to obtain race materials. Licence is mandatory for all individual competitors. Every competitor must accept and sign (at race center) the general rules of the competition and the hold-harmless agreement.

Fees for Tartu Everyman’s Triathlon competitors include:

  • professional organizing by TriSmile
  • finisher’s medal
  • Tartu Mill finisher’s T-shirt for the first 300
  • a diploma (downloadable online)
  Until 31.06.2018 01.06-24.06.2018 25.06-15.07.2018 On spot 19.07-21.07.2018
Tartu Everyman’s Triathlon (0.5+20+5) 39 EUR 49 EUR 59 EUR 69 EUR


Confirmation of registration
The competitor is registered only after payment. The fee will be calculated by the time of payment, NOT by the time of registration.


9.00-15.00 Issuing of race materials and on the spot registration
15.30-16.30 Transition area open for check in
16.45 Race briefing at the start area
17.00 START
18.30-19.45 Transition area open for check out
20.00 Awards ceremony

Competition rules
The rules of International Triathlon Union ITU (available here) and the competitors manual (available here) apply at the race. The competitors accept these rules by registration. Additionally, the Estonian Highway code applies. The competitors follow the World Anti-Doping Code.

Race briefing
Race briefing is at the start area before the race on Saturday at 16.45, and it is mandatory for all competitors.

Drafting is forbidden. The drafting zone is 10 m. Drafting is checked by the referees. Drafting will result in a time penalty, which has to be carried out in the penalty box on the bike course. Second penalty for drafting will result in a disqualification.

Competition referees
Estonian Triathlon Union and NGO TriSmile

Competition jury
Competition jury will act after the race in the case of a protest. It consists of representatives of organizers, Estonian Triathlon Union and the head referee. The exact composition will be announced on race day.

The protest must be submitted to the head referee maximum 15 minutes after the last competitor finishes. The protest fee for 2018 is 50 Euros, which will be refunded if the protest is granted.

Tartu Everyman’s Triathlon race course
Start area
Start area is near river Emajõgi, close to the statue of Kalevipoeg. The start will be held as a rolling start. The race time starts as the competitor passes the timing mats.

Swimming is in the river Emajõgi; the water temperature is usually around 20°C at the time of the race, so wet suits are recommended. If the water temperature is above 22°C one hour before the start, the wetsuits are forbidden. Competitors must swim 0.5 km downstream until the Market Building. Competitors must wear the swim caps provided by the organizer.

The course consists of one 20 km lap. From transition the course goes along Vabaduse avenue-Kroonuaia bridge-Sauna street-Staadioni street-Lubja street-Puiestee street-Jõgeva road. An U-turn will be near Vasula bus stop and course leads back the same way. After Kroonuaia bridge the course makes the famous loop around Toomemägi: Lai-Kloostri-Kroonuaia-Jakobi-Veski-Näituse-K. E. von Baer-Jakobi-Lai-Vabaduse avenue. The lap ends just before the transition area on Vabaduse avenue, where you have to come off your bike before the dismount line. The course is relatively simple and can be easily observed. Drafiting is forbidden.

The course goes along the sidewalks on the banks of river Emajõgi and consists of one 5 km lap, which goes clockwise. The course is simple with no ascent (with the exception of two bridges) and is easily observed.

Transition area
There is one transition area, which is located on Vabaduse avenue between the Market Building and the Town Square. In order to get into the transition area the competitor must have their race number with them. Only competitors, referees and special permit holders are allowed into the transition area. NB! Only the competitors themselves may check in and out of the transition area with their gear, no one is allowed to accompany them into the transition area (including no relatives). The gear must be checked in to the transition area with time to spare, so that if necessary it can be made to correspond with the rules.

Security of transition area
The transition area is guarded and surrounded with a fence. The competitor must bring their race gear in and after the race remove the gear at scheduled time. The gear that is left behind will be taken to the information tent.

During the competition bike will be guarded by people appointed by the organizer.

The finish is near transition area on Küüni street.

Water and isotonic drinks are provided during run course. Water, isotonic drinks and fruits are provided after finishing. No servicing during bike and swim.

Timing chips are provided by race organizers and must be returned to them after the race. If the chip is lost the competitor must pay for it (45 Euros). There are several timing points along the course to get separate splits for swim, bike, run and a finish time.

Time limits
Swim: 20 minutes
Swim + bike: 1h 15 min
Swim + bike + run: 2h 15min

Awards ceremony
There are prizes for the best three of each age group and diplomas (downloadable) for all competitors. In order to receive your prize you must be present at the ceremony. In case the competitor cannot participate in the ceremony, their coach or representative can accept the prize. You cannot receive your prize after the ceremony.

Medical aid
Race organizers provide medical aid point at the race centre during the whole race and lifeguards during swimming.

Lost and found
All items found will be taken to race information tent. Inquiries about lost and found items should be sent to after the race.

Traffic and parking during the race
All participants and spectators are advised to have spare time to find a parking space and get around. The bike course is closed to traffic and parking along the bike course is forbidden. It is mandatory to follow the instructions of the police, referees and traffic controllers while parking and during the race.

Information for spectators
For those, who wish to watch the race at one point, we recommend the race centre on Vabaduse Avenue; swimming, running and both transitions can be observed from there. There will also be commentators who will share information about what is happening on the course. For those, who seek more excitement, we recommend Jakobi Street (appr. 1 km from the race centre). Spectators are not allowed to escort the competitor on foot nor on bike. Also helping a competitor is not allowed.