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Baseina triatlons | Nolikums


Baltic Cup 2014 m.

B.Abramaičio Cup



To promote triathlon in Lithuania.

To identify best athlete.


Competition is organized by Vilnius Triathlon Asociation and Lithuanian Triathlon Federation.

Competition’s head oficial  Aleksandr Kočetkov tel .+370 618 84234,

Competition time and place

Competition will take place April 26th, 2014 at VšĮ LAZDYNŲ BASEINAS (Lazdynai swimming pool), Erfurto street 13, LT-04220 Vilnius.

Participant registration

Registration ends April 24th at 23:59 (please enter your expected swim time during registration).

Chip and race number can be collected April 26th from 07.00 to 08.00.

Warm-up in the pool starts at 08.00 val. Competition starts at 08.15.

Swimming competition will be conducted having 4 athletes in the same swimming lane (swimming in circle) Event organizers have right to change the number of athletes in the swimming lane. Start is in the water.


1st distance: Aquathlon,  100m swim - 1km run (1 lap)

 2006-2005 and younger (girls M1, boys B1),  2004-2003 (girls M2, boys B2), 

 2nd distance: 200 m swim - 10km bike (4 laps) - 2.5km (1 lap)

2002-2001(girls M3, boys B3), 2000-1999(youth: girls JČ1,  boys JČ2), 1998-1997(junior: girls JN1, boys JN2), 1964-1955(female V3, male V4), 1954 and older  (femail P1, male P2), Amateurs (girls A1, boys A2)

3rd distance: 750m swim - 20km bike (8 laps)- 5km run (2 laps)


1996-1995m.(junior: girls J1, boys J2), Elite 1994-1975m (female E1, male E2), 1974-1965m (veterans: female V1, male V2).


Cycling-running start time:

 1st distance 11.00;

2nd distance 11.45;

3rd distance 13.00.

 Award ceremony 15:00.

 Competition rules


-       ITU rules apply to this race

-       Swimming is allowed using current ITU approved swim wear (jammers, swimsuits, trisuits);

-       Bike helmet must be worn while in possesion of the bike;

-       Bike start will be given according to the swim times (general for all groups). Start is given before entering the transition zone.

-       It is allowed to use road bike or MTB (clip-on handlebars must not exceed the lenght past the break levers) general ITU rules apply;

-       Draftng is allowed only of the same sex competitor

-       Participants that have not completed or in any other form violated the race course will be disqulified;

-       Any outside assistance to the participant is prohibited;

-       All age group participants are allowed to start in the Elite group, however they will loose right to the age-group award;

-       Unbuckeled helmet’s chin strap, crossed mix zone line, outside assistance will result in 15 sec penalty (will be served during run)

-       Drafting violation: first time – yellow card and 15 sec penalty, second time – DQ (red card will be shown)

-       It is not allowed to draft of the athlete who has passed you by one or more laps.

-       Chips must be returned after finish.


Participant fee:

Before April 15th: younger than 1994 - 30 Litas, older-50 Litas, after April 15th: younger than 1994 - 40Litas, older - 60 Litas. Athletes that have no valid national triathlon federation licence must purchase 1-day LTF license (can be purchased on the race day) Cost – 10 litas (3 euro).

Participant fee to be paid by bank transfer to:o

 Vilniaus Triatlono Asociacija

Įmonės kodas: 302942388

Saskaita: LT367300010134615232 , Swedbank AB

Adresas: Kalvų g. 17, Riešė, Vilniaus rajonas, 14266

Please indicate athletes name and age group.




1996-1995 (junior: girls J1, boys J2),  Elite 1994-1975 (female E1, male E2), 1974-1965 (veterans: female V1, male V2) – winners will receive cups , diplomas and prize money.

Age group winners will receive cups, diplomas and prize money.